RAM® Level Cup™ 16oz Drink Holder with Magnetic Base
Part#: RAM-B-132MU
UPC: 793442912955
Ball Icon B Size
Arm Icon Medium Arm


The RAM-B-132MU consists of a medium length, B size arm with a magnetic base and a self leveling cup holder. This mount is a great option for quickly attaching a cup holder to a ferrous metal surface. The magnetic base used in this mount is extremely powerful but should not be used in open cockpit applications such as motorcycles.

hardware included:

Assembly Hardware

drink size:

12-16 oz

socket to socket length:


ball size:

B Size (1")

weight capacity:

Standard Use: 2 lbs
Heavy-Duty Use: 1 lb


Marine-grade aluminum
High strength composite

packaging type:

Poly Bag


0.92 lb


Add-ons, Accessories & Components

RAM® Magnetic Ball Base RAM-B-202-339U $29.49
RAM® Steel Adhesive Plate Adapter for Magnetic Mounts
RAM® Add-A-Ball™ Accessory Ball for B Size Socket Arms